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Rx History Component

A data table of the latest prescriptions, sorted by date.

Quick Start

  1. Register the PrxPrescriptions component:

    customElements.define("prx-prescriptions", PrxPrescriptions);
  2. Add the custom element to your HTML with the required attributes for PrxPrescriptions.

    <prx-prescriptions token="my-prx-token"></prx-prescriptions>


tokenstringnoneAn authentication token for Prescrypto.
limitnumber10How many prescriptions to display in the table.
offsetnumber0Offset the results by an amount for pagination.
searchstringnoneFilter the results by a search query.
externalPatientIdstringnoneFilter the results by an external integration's patient id.


Prescrypto's custom elements are encapsulated in Shadow DOM. Due to this reason, you can not apply styles with .class o #id, instead you must use ::part(). Below you can see the DOM nodes used to render PrxPrescriptions. Note the part attributes corresponding to the different elements.

<table part="table">
<thead part="thead">
<tr part="tr trhead">
<th part="th">ID</th>
<th part="th">Patient</th>
<th part="th">Email</th>
<th part="th">Diagnosis</th>
<th part="th">Date</th>
<tbody part="tbody">
<tr part="tr trbody">
<td part="td td-id">{{ id }}</td>
<td part="td td-name">{{ }}</td>
<td part="td td-email">{{ }}</td>
<td part="td td-diagnosis">{{ diagnosis }}</td>
<td part="td td-creater">{{ created_at }}</td>

To style the PrxPrescriptions component, those parts can be addressed via pseudo-selectors. Assuming you registered the custom element as <prx-prescriptions>:

prx-prescriptions {
font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;

/* Styles for the <table> element */
prx-prescriptions::part(table) {
border-collapse: collapse;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

/* Styles for the <tr> element */
prx-prescriptions::part(tr) {
white-space: nowrap;

/* Styles for the <thead> element */
prx-prescriptions::part(thead) {
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 1.5;
color: #627282;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-align: left;

/* Styles for the <th> element */
prx-prescriptions::part(th) {
padding: 13px;

/* Styles for the <tr> element inside of <thead> */
prx-prescriptions::part(trhead) {
border-bottom: 1px solid #edeff2;

/* Styles for the <tr> element inside of <tbhody> */
prx-prescriptions::part(trbody) {
border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdfe3;

/* Styles for the <td> element */
prx-prescriptions::part(td) {
color: #1b2734;
line-height: 1.5;
padding: 13px;

/* Style for the <td> with the id */
prx-prescriptions::part(td-id) {
font-weight: 700;

/* Style for the <td> with the name */
prx-prescriptions::part(td-name) {
font-weight: 700;